Can I use lotion in a pocket pussy

Can I use lotion in a pocket pussy

Can I use lotion in a pocket pussy?

No, you should never use lotion in your pocket pussy because it can cause harm to you and may damage your toy.

When using lotion in your pocket pussy your penis may feel a burning sensation. Which is not a comfortable feeling.

Risk of using lotion

You should always use water-based lubrication with your pocket pussy and never use lotion. 

Most lotions are full of chemicals that can cause your penis to be irritated and get an infection that won’t be so pleasant.

Side effects lotion may cause:

  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Allergic reaction

Lotion may damage pocket pussy

The chemicals that are contain within most lotions can cause chemical reactions that may damage your pocket pussy.

Using the right lube with your pocket pussy will keep it from damaging, so stay away from lotion.

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